Rules sections

Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on GMC Logistics Forum. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. Forum Rules

    1. § 1. English is the official language for all forum discussions. Please ensure that all written conversations related to public threads are conducted in English

      § 1.1. Offensive language or cursing will not be tolerated on the forum.

      § 2. Inappropriate or sexually explicit usernames are prohibited.

      § 3. Do not publish or post illegal content, or links to stolen, pirated, or re-uploaded material.

      § 4. Any form of spam is forbidden and will not be tolerated.

      § 5. Treat all members with respect, following the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated.

      § 6. Each user is allowed only one account. Alternative accounts will be deleted and banned.

      § 7. Use the correct and appropriate forum topics for your discussions.

      § 8. We forbid the posting of non-GMC Logistics Map Combos on our Forum.

      § 9. Follow staff commands and instructions, they give them for a particularly good reason.

      § 9.1. Failure to follow staff instructions will result in actions taken against the user.

      § 9.2. The staff reserves the right to act based on their judgment.

      § 10. By creating a user account or using the GMC Logistics Forum, you automatically agree to all rules mentioned in this area.

      § 10.1. The administration may change these rules at any time without further notice.

      § 11. Should any rule of this agreement be invalid or become invalid, then the legal effect of the other Rules shall not thereby be affected. #